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肖雄  博士  副教授




个人简介:肖雄,男,1990年生,中国科学院理学博士,湖南师范大学地理科学学院讲师,硕士生导师。主要从事水文与水环境方面的研究,重点关注亚热带次生天然林和典型流域生态水文过程,以及多年冻土区水文与水环境过程。主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目和国家重点实验室开放基金项目,并在Journal of Hydrology、Hydrology and Earth System Sciences、Journal of Hydrometeorology等国内外期刊发表论文36篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者20篇。任SCI二区期刊Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies期刊副主编(Associate Editor),并入选湖南师范大学世承人才计划(青年优秀人才)。


2009.9-2013.6 兰州大学 理学学士 专业:地理科学

20013.9-2016.6 北京师范大学 理学硕士 专业:自然资源学

2016.9-2020.6 中国科学院青藏高原研究所 理学博士 专业:自然地理学



20208月至202312 湖南师范大学地理科学学院 讲师

202312月至今 湖南师范大学地理科学学院 副教授






1.Xiao X, Wu H, Zhang F*, et al. Subsurface Mixing of Different Soil Water Pools in a Permafrost-Underlain Headwater Catchment, Qilian Mountains, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 628, 130478. (SCI一区TOP)
2.Xiao X, Zhang X*, Dai J, et al. Inferring the seasonal origins of the plant (Cinnamomum camphora) and soil water from precipitation by stable isotope techniques in the East Asian monsoon region. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2024, 23, 4. (SCI二区)
3.Xiao X, Zhang X, Xiao Z, et al. Seasonal variation and influence factors of river water isotopes in the East Asian monsoon region: a case study in the Xiangjiang River basin spanning 13 hydrological years. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2023, 27(20), 3783-3802. (SCI一区top)
4.Wang Y, Zhang C, Xiao X*, et al. Water-use strategies and functional traits explain divergent linkages in physiological responses to simulated precipitation change. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 908, 168238. (SCI一区top)
5.Wang D, Zhang X, Luo Z*, Xiao X*, et al. Meteorological analysis on extremely depleted 18O rainfall events during the summer in Adelaide, Australia. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2023, 24, 1479-1490. (SCI二区)
6.Wang G, Zhang F, Wang L, Zeng C, Shi X, Xiao X*. Precipitation-type discrimination and changes in related climate indices in the upper Heihe River Basin during 1960-2021. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2023, 11, 1202895. (SCI三区)
7.Xiao X, Yu Z, Wang J, et al. Hydrochemistry of surface waters in a permafrost headwater catchment in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 617, 128878. (SCI一区TOP)
8.Xiao X*, Zhang X, Shi X, et al. Identifying River Water Sources Using End-member Mixing Analysis in a Subtropical Monsoon Basin, South-Central China. Hydrological Processes, 2023, e14824. (SCI二区)
9.Xiao Z, Zhang X*, Xiao X*, et al. Comparisons of Precipitation Isotopic Effects on Daily, Monthly and Annual Time Scales—A Case Study in the Subtropical Monsoon Region of Eastern China. Water, 2023, 15(3), 438. (SCI三区)
10.Xiao X, Zhang X, Wu H*, et al. Stable isotopes of surface water and groundwater in a typical subtropical basin in south-central China: Insights into the young water fraction and its seasonal origin. Hydrological Processes, 2022, 36(4), e14574. (SCI二区)
11.Xiao X, Zhang C, He X, Zhang X*. Simulating the water δ18O of a small open lake in the East Asian monsoon region based on hydrologic and isotope mass-balance models. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 612, 128223. (SCI一区TOP)
12.Xiao X*, Liu Z, Liu K, Wang J. Temporal Variation of Suspended Sediment and Solute Fluxes in a Permafrost-underlain Headwater Catchment on the Tibetan Plateau. Water, 2022, 14, 2782. (SCI三区)
13.Zhang F, Xiao X*, Wang L, et al. Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in the Glaciated Karuxung River catchment, Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes, 2021, 14(3), 1-22. (SCI二区)
14.Xiao X, Zhang F*, Che T, et al. Changes in plot-scale runoff generation processes from the spring–summer transition period to the summer months in a permafrost-dominated catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 587, 124966. (SCI一区TOP)
15.Xiao X, Zhang F*, Li X, et al. Using stable isotopes to identify major flow pathways in a permafrost influenced alpine meadow hillslope during summer rainfall period. Hydrological Processes, 2020, 34(5), 1104-1116. (SCI二区)
16.Xiao X, Zhang F*, Zeng C, et al. Hydrological functioning of thawing soil water in a permafrost-influenced alpine meadow hillslope. Vadose Zone Journal, 2020, 19, e20022. (SCI三区)
17.李嘉洁, 章新平, 肖雄*, 等. 亚热带季风区典型土壤-植物-大气连续体中水体平均滞留时间. 应用生态学报, 2023, 11, 1-14.
18.钟桥, 肖雄*, 张赐成, 等. 湘江流域岳麓山周边地区地表水体水化学特征及影响因素. 水土保持通报, 2023, 43(4), 128-136.
19.肖雄, 李小雁*, 吴华武, 等. 青海湖流域高寒草甸壤中流水分来源研究. 水土保持学报, 2016, 30(2), 230-236.
20.肖雄, 吴华武, 李小雁*. 壤中流研究进展与展望. 干旱气象, 2016, 34(3), 391-402.

1.Xie S, Zeng C, Zhang F, Wang G, Xiao X, et al. Defining lateral subsurface flow and identifying its water sources in an alpine-permafrost hillslope. Catena, 2024, 236, 107765.
2.Xie S, Zeng C, Xiao X, et al. Hillslope groundwater and river channel precipitation recharge to rivers in a continuous permafrost catchment of northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 167725.
3.Muhammad D, Shi X, Zhang F, Shahram S, Zeng C, Xiao X, et al. Seasonal and spatial characteristics of suspended sediment load and their controlling factors in the Upper Indus River Basin, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry, 2023, 24(1), 48-62.
4.Li J, Tian L, Xiao X, et al. Controls on daily to interannual variations of summer precipitation isotopic signatures from Qinghai Lake watershed, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2023, 152, 1019-1029.
5.Liu K, Hu A, Hou L,…Xiao X, et al. Effects of land-use patterns on the biogeography of the sediment bacteria in the Yarlung Tsangpo River. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2022, 98(11), fiac125.
6.Zheng Y, Shi X, Zhang F, Lei T, Zeng C, Xiao X, et al. Field experimental study on the effect of thawed depth of frozen alpine meadow soil on rill erosion by snowmelt waterflow. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2022, 12(001), 1-10.
7.Liu Z, Huang J*, Xiao X, Tong X. The capability of CMIP6 models on seasonal precipitation extremes over Central Asia. Atmospheric Research, 2022, 278, 106364.
8.Liu N, Jiang W*, Huang L, Li Y, Zhang C, Xiao X, Huang Y. Evolution of Sustainable Water Resource Utilization in Hunan Province, China. Water, 2022, 14, 2477.
9.Liu Z, Zhang G*, Ding J*, Xiao X. Biases of the Mean and Shape Properties in CMIP6 Extreme Precipitation Over Central Asia. Front. Earth Sci. 2022, 10, 918337.
10.Yu Z, Wu G*, Li F, Huang J, Xiao X, Liu K. Small-catchment perspective on chemical weathering and its controlling factors in the Nam Co basin, central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 598, 126315.
11.Zhang F, Shi X*, Zeng C, Wang L, Xiao X. Recent stepwise sediment flux increase with climate change in the Tuotuo River in the Central Tibetan Plateau. Science Bulletin, 2020, 65, 410-418.
12.Shi X, Zhang F*, Wang L, MD Jagirani, Zeng C, Xiao X, et al. Experimental study on the effects of multiple factors on spring meltwater erosion on an alpine meadow slope. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2020, 8(2), 116-123.
13.Wu H, Li X*, He B, Xiao X. Characterizing the Qinghai Lake watershed using oxygen-18 and deuterium stable isotopes. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2017, 43(3), 33-42.
14.Wu H, Li X*, Jiang Z, Chen H, Zhang C, Xiao X. Contrasting water use pattern of introduced and native plants in an alpine desert ecosystem, Northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 542, 15, 182–191.
15.Jiang Z, Li X*, Wu H, Xiao X. Using electromagnetic induction method to reveal dynamics of soil water and salt during continual rainfall events. Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 152, 3-13.
16.魏俊奇, 李小雁*, 蒋志云, 刘磊, 肖雄. 基于EMI的小泊湖退化湿地土壤盐分的空间分布. 水土保持学报, 2016 (6), 284-288.



2023.1-2025.12 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目“湘江流域不同水体水化学特征及其对河水补给过程研究”,主持

2022.1-2024.12 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目“基于多元示踪技术的祁连山典型多年冻土流域河水水源解析研究”,主持

2021.6-2023.12 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室开放基金项目“青藏高原多年冻土坡地冻土层上水对河水的补给特征研究”,主持

2018.8-2020.06 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究,参与

2016.9-2018.7 优秀青年科学基金项目“青藏高原水文与水环境模拟青藏高原典型流域冰川补给径流-湖泊水环境动态模拟研究”,参与

2013.9-2016.6 国家自然基金重点项目“青海湖流域生态水文过程与水分收支研究”,参与















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