|地理科学学院 - 党委宣传部




刘利丹,女,副教授,硕士生导师,2017年毕业于东北师范大学,获自然地理学博士学位,现主要从事第四纪环境演化、古生态学、地理教学论等教学与科研工作。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家环保公益性行业科研专项、湖南省自然科学基金、湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金等多项科研项目,目前以第一作者身份在《Catena》、《European Journal of Soil Science》、《Frontiers in Plant Science》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Boreas》、《Quaternary International》、《第四纪研究》等国内外重要期刊发表论文多篇,现任湖南省中小学教师资格考试面试考官(地理)等。   



1. 第四纪环境演化:基于植硅体等古气候代用指标,以泥炭、湖泊沉积物等为研究载体,从现代过程与沉积记录两个方面开展全新世以来的古植被和古气候研究。

2. 地理教学论


本科生课程:综合自然地理学、地理教育改革专题。 研究生课程:地理教学设计与实施。








[1]Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. An evaluation of soil phytoliths for reconstructing plant communities and palaeoclimate in the northern temperate region. European Journal of Soil Science, 2021, 72(2), 900-917.(SCI二区) 

 [2] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. Phytolith transport and its influence factor in different soil types in northern temperate region. Quaternary International,2021, 599-600,170-183.(SCI三区)

 [3] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. Translocation and preservation of soil phytoliths in temperate regions and its implications for palaeoenvironment reconstruction. Catena, 2020, 195, 104868.(SCI一区)

 [4] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. Preservation of common soil phytoliths in the northern temperate region: a case study from northeast China. Boreas, 2020, 49(4), 751-768.(SCI三区)

 [5] Liu Lidan, Li Dehui*, Jie Dongmei*, et al. Translocation of Phytoliths Within Natural Soil Profiles in Northeast China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019,10, 1254.(SCI二区) 

 [6] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. Among Phytoliths ofPhragmites Communisin Northeast China. Silicon, 2017, 9, 593-602.(SCI四区) 

 [7] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. Assessing the importance of environmental factors to phytoliths ofPhragmites communisin north-eastern China. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 69, 500-507.(SCI二区) 

 [8] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. Response of phytoliths inPhragmites australisto environmental factors in northeast China. Ecological Engineering, 2016,92, 119-131.(SCI三区) 

 [9] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. An orthogonal experimental study of phytolith size ofPhragmites communisin northeast China. Boreas, 2016, 45, 122-132.(SCI三区) 

 [10] Liu Lidan, Jie Dongmei*, Liu Hongyan, et al. Response of phytoliths inPhragmites communisto humidity in NE China. Quaternary International, 2013, 304, 193-199.(SCI三区)

 [11]刘利丹,介冬梅*,刘洪妍,等.中国东北森林区和草原区表土植硅体的植物群落代表性研究.第四纪研究, 2020, 40(5), 1285-1300.(CSCD)   

[12]刘利丹,介冬梅*,刘洪妍,等.中国东北自然土壤剖面中植硅体的垂直分布规律.微体古生物学报, 2019, 36(3), 298-308.(CSCD)   

[13]刘利丹,介冬梅*,刘洪妍,等.东北地区芦苇植硅体浓度的时空分异规律.微体古生物学报, 2016, 37 (9), 861-871.(CSCD)

[14]刘利丹,介冬梅*,刘洪妍,等.东北地区芦苇植硅体的变化特征.植物生态学报, 2013, 33(1), 45-54.(CSCD)   

[15]余海珍,刘利丹*.基于“五有四化”理念的初中地理课堂情境教学策略研究——以“世界的地形”为例.中学教学参考, 2021.   

[16]余海珍,刘利丹*.小组竞赛式教学模式在地理教学中的应用.基础教育研究, 2020.   

[17]刘利丹,任慧源.新课标背景下高中地理新课改实施建议——以陕西省延安中学为例.地理教育, 2019. 

[18]陈涛,刘利丹*.高中地理生活化教学策略探索.基础教育研究, 2019. 




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