Manuscript Requirements


Authors will receive page proofs for correction, which must be returned by dates determined by the publication schedule.


Figures must be submitted as electronic graphic files. Captions must be provided for all figures. Figures could be placed in separate files to the text files or in the body of the text, in their appropriate position.


All pictures attached should be copyrighted with permission.


No footnotes are required.

Endnotes should be kept to an absolute minimum.


The editorial staff of the JFLC reserves the right to edit essays and book reviews, both for content and style. All substantial changes will be referred back to the author before publication.

Works Cited

Please check the references systematically to ensure that all works directly quoted in the text are also listed in the Works Cited section, and vice versa.


Taylor, J. Linguistic Categorization. Oxford UP, 2003.

2)Journal articles:

Ainley, M., and J. Ainley. “Student Engagement with Science in Early Adolescence: The Contribution of Enjoyment to Students’ Continuing Interest in Learning about Science.” Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol. 36, no. 1, 2011, pp. 4-12.

Taylor, W., et al. “Academic Boredom in Under- and Over-challenging Situations.” Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol.35, no.1, 2010, pp. 17-27.

3)Book with editors:

He, Wenjing, and Dexing Shan, editors. Representing Politics and Chinese American Literature. The Cultural Research Institute, 1996.

4)Essays from a book:

Fillmore, C. “The Case for Case.” Universals in Linguistic Theory, edited by E. Bach and R. Harms, Oxford UP, 1968, pp.1-88.


Bloom, Harold. Introduction. Bloom’s Classical Critical Views: Geoffrey Chaucer, by Harold Bloom. Inforbase, 2008, pp. xi-xiii.

6)Online sources

Hollmichel, Stefanie. “The Reading Brain: Differences between Digital and Print.” So Many Books, 25 Apr. 2013,

In-text Citations

After a quotation in the text, please insert a brief in-text citation composed of the author’s name and a page number in parenthesis. The author’s name may appear in the text around the quotation and be omitted before the page number in the parenthesis.

Page number ranges: (Apte 108-112); please do not drop digits (e.g., 108-12). Give page numbers in full: do not use “f.,” “ff.” Always give the full author-date citation: do not use “op. cit.”, “loc. cit.”, or “‘ibid.” When citing more than one work by the same author/editor, please differentiate the works by adding the title of the works before the page number.

e.g. (Baron 194)

(James, Wings 52)


Numbers are preferred, e.g. 21st century. Superscripts are not required.


Number, month and year, and please abbreviate all the months except May, June, and July, e.g. 1 Aug. 2012


Short quotations (fewer than 60 words) should run-on in the text and be enclosed in double quotation marks. Single quotation marks enclose quotations within quotations. Longer quotations should appear as a separate block and should not be enclosed in quotationmarks. The citation to the source should be placed at the end of the quote following the punctuation. All quotations in languages other than English should be followed by a translation in square brackets.

Quotation Marks

Use double “quotation marks,” except when quoting within a quote, when single ‘quotation marks’ should be used.


Use American English spelling.

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