All Issues

  • Recording Africa: Charles Ball’s 1836 Narrative of Enslavement and Encounters

    Author:James McCorkle

    Abstract: Abstract: Charles Ball’s 1836 slave narrative is not only an example of an autobiographical narrative of escape from enslavement, it includes narratives of Africans who have been captured and brought to North America. Ball’s narrative records the heterogeneity of Africans arriving—from Muslim West Africans to those from the Congo, a ubiquitous term given more specificity in his narrative. De...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Swinburne, Africa, and the Lash

    Author:Mark Scroggins

    Abstract: Abstract: Algernon Charles Swinburne’s late poems encouraging Britain’s aggression against the Boer States are exercises in imperialist jingoism, and seem at odds with the poet’s longstanding Republicanism and advocacy of individual rights. A close examination of Swinburne’s notorious involvement in practices of sado-masochist flagellation, however, casts some light on how these poems can b...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • The Group Composition of Literary Works by Esoteric Writers in the Modernist Period: A Critical Interruption of Afro-Modernism and Antimodernism

    Author:Jon Woodson

    Abstract: Abstract: Like the other “new modernisms” Afro-Modernism does not exist beyond its role as a critical catchword. The readings given to African-American texts of the modernist period have been subjected to reductive treatments that have overlooked many factors. In this paper I will examine an unacknowledged feature of modernist works that radically changes the understanding of many important t...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • The Impact of Christianity on the Igbo and the Gikuyu Community in Africa as Revealed in Arrow of God and The River Between

    Author:Sheikh Zobaer

    Abstract: Abstract: Religious conversion was an extremely important and effective strategy for the European colonizers to establish their colonial dominance in Africa. The diffusion of Christianity across Africa helped the colonizers gain acceptance and support among the natives, which in turn gave the colonizers more control over Africa. During the inception of European Christian missionary activities i...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Review Essay: The Black Arts Movement and the Aesthetic Framing of 21st Century Anthologies of African American Poetry

    Author:James Smethurst

    Abstract: Abstract: When considering anthologies of African American poetry in the 21st century, it is noteworthy how much the legacy of the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 1970s both positively and negatively shapes their aesthetic politics, framing, and reception. This essay considers how these anthologies use the Black Arts Movement to frame their version of Black poetry and the way they come at ...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Hunger, World, the X: On Ghosh and Miller’s Thinking Literature Across Continents

    Author:Antonis Balasopoulos

    Abstract: Abstract: This essay constitutes an unorthodox response to Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller’s Thinking Literature Across Continents: instead of attempting to conventionally engage with a text that challenges the idea of any unitary totality as a whole, I opt instead to dwell on the interplay between language and silence in three different sites of inquiry within the text: the first concerns t...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Prophetic Collage: Bella Li’s Lost Lake

    Author:Amelia Dale

    Abstract: Abstract: With an eye to the workings of collage – in particular its prophetic temporality – I explore the collage practice of the Australian poet Bella Li, with a focus on her second book, Lost Lake (2018). Taking my cue from movements of broken or disjunctive association in Li’s work, I seek to mirror Li’s poetic collages with a reading that is itself both exploratory and associative. Beg...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Derrida and the Art of Embalming: Thanatopraxie in “Tithonus” and A Tale of a Tub

    Author:Jayjit Sarkar, Jagannath Basu

    Abstract: Abstract: Taking a cue from Jacques Derrida’s Glas, this paper seeks to understand the idea of thanatopraxie or embalming in art. It sees thanatopraxie as a strategy to (en)counter the prevalent idea of a “book” as the repository of the “truth” and the “divine.” It argues that a work of art can only exist in the world by transforming into “what(ever) remains” of a work— a wo—. Thanat...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Mimicry and Masquerade in Faulkner’s American Indian Characters

    Author:Yi Feng

    Abstract: Abstract: Faulkner once said that he made up his American native characters out of his imagination. His American Indian characters are hybrid and grotesque, a disturbing and troubling presence in his work. Yet some critics point out that the construction of Faulkner’s American Indians in Yoknapatawpha is not created out of a cultural vacuum and Faulkner assimilated both local and national popu...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • David Jones and Charles Olson in Time and Space

    Author:Charles Alexander

    Abstract: Abstract: David Jones and Charles Olson concern themselves with large issues of space and time, and how humans are entwined with both. This essay seeks to show that Olson’s project of space and Jones’s with time are very much of the same mettle, that both poems offer a kind of transcendence of one-dimensionality, that time expands to become space, and that, in space, one is confronted with th...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

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