All Issues

  • Identity Dilemma and the Lack of Reciprocity in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Crescent

    Author:Fatima Zohra Gasmi, Bo Cao

    Abstract: Abstract: Diana Abu-Jaber’s Crescent astutely interweaves the search for identity into a romantic love story. This article approaches it using a new identity concept found in Amin Maalouf’s work In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong (Les identités meurtrières). It investigates the identity dilemma that the female protagonist, Sirine, faces while living in-between her confli...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Li Bai and Modernity: Drinking with Tao Qian

    Author:Massimo Verdicchio

    Abstract: Abstract: In this essay I examine Li Bai’s relationship with Tao Qian/Yuanming, his poetic ancestor, through their poems on drinking and on the Double Nine Festival. Li Bai’s invitation to share wine with Tao takes the form of emulating his poetry. It also shows its impossibility, which is expressed in the form of unfulfilled longing. This awareness is what defines the modernity of Li Bai’s ...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Reflections on Black Visual Artist Doug Redd

    Author:Tony Bolden

    Abstract: Abstract: This essay was inspired by the death and devastation related to the pandemic of Covid-19 which intensified the ways that preexisting sociopolitical contradictions affected black people. Before the pandemic it was commonplace for thinkers to describe themselves as radicals. However, in the moment of crisis, their voices were often silent or they offered superficial commentaries. And th...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • The Effectiveness of Multimedia Gloss Modes and Languages for Chinese Learners’ Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

    Author:Xuan Teng

    Abstract: Abstract: This study examines the effects of different gloss types, namely L1 text-only, L2 text-only, L1 text plus picture, and L2 text plus picture on vocabulary retention in a multimedia reading environment. This investigation is based on the cognitive theory of multimedia learning and the revised hierarchical model with image. Sixteen participants read a computerized text under one of four ...

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-02-20 View Citation

  • Notes on Contributors


    Abstract: 2020 vol. 4, no. 2 Notes on Contributors

    vol. 4 No. 2 Dec. 2020      Time:2021-06-03 View Citation

  • Globalization, Race, and Citizenship in Anne Enright’s The Green Road

    Author:Robert Brazeau

    Abstract: Abstract: This essay examines the disjunctive temporality of Irish globalization, arguing that past formations of Irish society inhere within, and complicate, the racialization of Irish subjects in the present. It uses Anne Enright’s 2015 novel The Green Road to demonstrate the many ways in which racial difference is made to signify in an Ireland whose emergence as a global economic center dur...

    Vol. 4 No. 1 Jun 2020      Time:2020-07-06 View Citation

  • Modernity @ Zero Hour: The Question of the Universal and the Origins of the Global Order (Introduction)

    Author:Barrett Watten (Guest Editor)

    Abstract: The fatalism by which incomprehensible death was sanctioned in primeval times has now passed over into utterly comprehensible life. The noonday panic fear in which nature suddenly appeared to humans as an all-encompassing power has found its counterpart in the panic which is ready to break out at any moment today: human beings expect the world, which is without issue, to be set ablaze by a univ...

    Vol. 4 No. 1 Jun 2020      Time:2020-07-06 View Citation

  • Modernity @ Zero Hour: Three Women (Lee Miller, Hannah Höch, Anonyma)

    Author:Barrett Watten

    Abstract: Abstract: This essay is a part of a longer work on literary and visual modernism at the “moment” of destruction in 1945: Stunde Null or Zero Hour. Here, I focus on the “constructedness” of universals via the material, psychological, and political destruction in Germany at war’s end. At this moment, destruction and universals interconnect in three temporal modes: anticipatory, punctual, and...

    Vol. 4 No. 1 Jun 2020      Time:2020-07-06 View Citation

  • Universality and the Zero Hour: Interrelationship Between the Avant-Garde, Denazification, and German-Language Literatures

    Author:Maggie Rosenau

    Abstract: Abstract: Concern regarding linguistic nationalism and the need for a modern universal language preoccupied many European writers, artists and philosophers throughout the inter- and postwar years. This article looks at a peculiar overlap in the activities of two notable persons involved in this matter: Eugen Gomringer and Eugene Jolas. Their respective projects for poetry aimed to offer solutio...

    Vol. 4 No. 1 Jun 2020      Time:2020-07-06 View Citation

  • The Ethical Break: Marguerite Duras, Jorie Graham, and M. NourbeSe Philip

    Author:Herman Rapaport

    Abstract: Abstract: In addition to positing a historical, traumatic, and representational break relative to the end of World War II in Europe, this essay posits the idea of an ethical break concerning the abrogation of the right to life as figured in three texts: La Douleur, a memoir by Marguerite Duras; Overlord, lyrical poetry by Jorie Graham; and Zong!, a conceptual poem by M. NourbeSe Philip. Concept...

    Vol. 4 No. 1 Jun 2020      Time:2020-07-06 View Citation

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