Vol. 6 No. 2 Dec. 2022

  • An Ironist’s “Final Vocabulary”: Derek Mahon’s Re-Visions

    Author:Ying Zhou

    Abstract: Critics tend to cast a suspicious eye on Derek Mahon’s seemingly obsessive revisions of his works. Though it needs to be acknowledged that Mahon’s habitual practice of revision does not always lead to a definite improvement of the poems’ quality, this article argues that the poet revises to destabiliz...

    Vol. 6 No. 2 Dec. 2022      Time:2023-01-03 View Citation

  • The “Dragging Foot” of José Garcia Villa’s Performative “Comma Poems”

    Author:Katie Bradshaw

    Abstract: José Garcia Villa’s “comma poem,” in which he introduces “a new, special and poetic use” for the comma, is arguably the poet’s most contentious innovation. Starting from an appropriation of Leonard Caspar’s description of the comma poems as “demonstrably malfunctional as a dragging foot,” this essay argues that the comma poem was a visual performance whereby Villa dis-oriented and de-naturalized poetic “flows” through a queer/crip aesthetic of hesitation and brokenness. Read as footsteps and/or footnotes, the comma’s minor mark interrupts and dis-ables normative flow, forcing the reader to adopt a nonnormative “gait.” Utilizing Sara Ahmed’s phenomenological theory of “queer orientation,” I examine how the comma ...

    Vol. 6 No. 2 Dec. 2022      Time:2023-01-03 View Citation

  • Avant-Garde Austalgia

    Author:A. J. Carruthers

    Abstract: Australian avant-garde raises all the contradictions of avant-garde studies in the present time. Antipodal vanguards in the 20th and 21st centuries would grapple with various aspects of Australian national history, being in various ways and times between East and West, the aligned and non-aligned, the political and geopolitical in p...

    Vol. 6 No. 2 Dec. 2022      Time:2023-01-03 View Citation

  • The Politics of Translation in Intercultural Discourse Relationships: Translation of龍/lung and 夷/i into English as a Case in Point

    Author:Hui Chen, Shilei Zhai

    Abstract: The translation equivalence between龍/lung and dragon as well as夷/i and barbarian embodies the way of discourse power competition between China and the United Kingdom of Great Britain with different discourse pedigrees and discourse systems. The translation equivalence between龍/lung and dragon was constructed by means of mutation and discourse rewriting, and the political implication and cultural value of龍/lung in Chinese context were ablated. The equivalence between 夷/i and barbarian in the English context was established through the translation manipulation of the British, and the meaning of夷/i was separated from the Chinese historical context forcibly. The British operated discourse mutation on core Chinese political discourses via translation manipulation to weaken the subjectivity of China and bring China into the ...

    Vol. 6 No. 2 Dec. 2022      Time:2023-01-03 View Citation

  • Notes on Contributors


    Abstract: Vol.6 No.2 2022 Notes on Contributors

    Vol. 6 No. 2 Dec. 2022      Time:2023-01-03 View Citation

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