Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2024

  • The Continuity of Head Nouns: The Difference in Relativizability between Korean and Chinese

    Author:Chao YAN

    Abstract: The Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy cannot explain the difference in relativizability between Chinese and Korean in authentic discourse. Korean exhibits a higher preference for relativization compared to Chinese and this article aims to account for this difference from the perspective of topic continuity. Specifically, the continuity of head nouns within relative clauses is stronger in Korean than in Chinese. By analyzing the parameters of referential distance and potential interference, this study finds that the head nouns in Korean relative clauses display a broader range on the continuum of continuity compared to those in Chinese relative clauses. ...

    Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2024      Time:2024-07-01 View Citation

  • The 5C Model of Linguistic Creativity: Construction Grammar as a Cognitive Theory of Verbal Creativity

    Author:Thomas Hoffmann

    Abstract: Creativity is a design feature of human language. This paper presents a cognitive model of verbal creativity that draws on insights from the psychological research into creativity—particularly Glăveanu’s 5A model that distinguishes five crucial perspectives on a creative act (actors, audience, artefacts, actions and affordances). The paper will outline a linguistic version of this model that adopts Construction Grammar as its theoretical foundation. The resulting “5C model of constructional creativity” argues that the central elements of linguistic creativity are constructors, co-constructors, constructs, constructional blending and the constructional network.

    Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2024      Time:2024-07-01 View Citation

  • Notes on Contributors


    Abstract: Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2024 Notes on Contributors

    Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2024      Time:2024-07-01 View Citation

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