
Upon submission, each essay undergoes an in-house review. If an essay does not meet JFLC’s basic requirements in terms of quality and relevance to Aims and Scope, it will be returned and the corresponding author will be notified. An essay that meets scholarly standards and presents original research will be anonymously peer-reviewed by at least two expert reviewers and evaluated for its contribution to the field as well as the rigor of its discussion.

The Editor-in-Chief will use the expert reviewer reports in order to make a decision on the essay’s publication. When reviewers’ opinions diverge on a paper, the Editor-in-Chief will decide to invite a third reader, or confer with members of the Editorial Board to make a decision. The peer-review process can take up to six months.

After peer-review, the corresponding author will be informed of the editorial decision: acceptance, acceptance with (major or minor) revisions, or rejection. When revisions are required, authors should address reviewers’ comments and integrate them into the text, or explain why they refute the comments. Rejected essays will not be reviewed again. The publication of accepted essays is bound by legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

JFLC supports and promotes new ideas and radical readings of literary texts. As a result, when an essay is well-written and documented, and likely to open new discussions and horizons in the field, it will be considered for publication even if it goes against the grain of received ideas and assumptions in the field, provided that it is favorably assessed by expert reviewers.

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