Conferences & Events

"Building Bridges, Brodening Horizons: China & Latin America" International Collquium
Author:    Time:2022-04-15    Click:

The International Colloquium“Building Bridges, Broadening Horizons: China and Latin America” takes the opportunity of the launching of the special issue of the Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures in order to unfold a project concerning the strengthening of cultural, aesthetic and literary ties between China and Latin America.

Instead of insisting in sophisticated forms of exceptionalism, which cannot but keep cultures apart in their apparent irreducibility to another frame of references, we have found inspiration in the promotion of dialogue among scholars from different cultural backgrounds. This approach has suggested the best format for the colloquium, namely, each contributor of the special issue will have approximately 15 minutes to present his or her article followed by a Chinese scholar, who will be the discussant of the article. Each discussant will have approximately 15 minutes to propose questions. The ensuing dialogue will pave the way for an ambitious project.

Indeed, the aim of the organizers is that this occasion will be the first moment of possible future common research projects involving institutions and scholars from different continents and several countries. The outcome of this initial effort will be the increasing internationalization of the Hunan Normal University through the organization of future colloquia as well as the publication of their proceedings in four languages: Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish and English. The worldwide circulation of the work developed at the Hunan Normal University will create conditions for a breakthrough understanding of the need for cross-cultural dialogue in the contemporary world.


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